Weekend menu

The campsite offers a menu with a variety of dishes, all of them top quality and according to the season.

The restaurant is in the same house in an old vats of wine, oil and grain, and reformed into 3 dining rooms.

El restaurant Cal Paradís és ideal per vindre amb familiars i amics. On els més petits podran gaudir de les instal·lacions que el restaurant els hi ofereix. Una Piscina (de pagament) with a terrace, football and basketball court, animals i farm A magnificent indoor play area.

Plats vegetarians o intoleràncies, truca’ns per més informació


MENU FOR GROUPS (Contact us)



Salad with House cured meats

Amanida amb tomàquet de territori, formatge fresc de Cal Carlot i tonyina


Vegetable timbale with goat cheese

Masked potatoes with bacon roast

Lasagne shrimp and onions

Meat Cannelloni

Mushroom Cannelloni

Cargols amb suc (Sup.5€)

Main course

Salad with baked pears, nuts and brie cheese

Baked pork cheek

Little pig

Grilled black and white sausage

Grilled chicken

Grilled rabbit

Puigpelat grilled lamb (Sup.3€)

Beef entrecote from the Cardener Valley (sup.6€)

Hamburguesa de Vedella de Cal Pepitu amb ceba


Salad with baked pears, nuts and brie cheese

26,50€ (bread, wine of the House, water)

Takeaway dishes

More info and reservations calparadis@campingcalparadis.com - 938695652